2016 We will keep bearing witness to the One Being.
We will keep honoring the legacies of the prophets and prophetesses of all lands.
We will keep revering the sacredness of the Earth.
We will keep following the way of remembrance which all religions share.
We will keep pursuing justice for all people.
We will keep recognizing people of all races and persuasions as our sisters and
We will keep extending our hearts’ goodwill toward everyone, excluding no one.
We will keep witnessing the beauty that is all around us and within us.
We will keep learning the truth of our being.
We will keep working to draw back the curtains of egoism from our eyes.
Life goes on, and we will keep going.
I was nothing
You made me what I am
What I am I cannot say
I only know I am nothing
Without you
2014Inspired by the Bayt al-Hikma of Baghdad, the ‘Ibadat Khana of Agra, and other historical houses of interspiritual and interdisciplinary conversation, Seven Pillars (named for Proverbs 9:1) took shape in 2008 as a gathering place for contemplatives, artists, scientists, and activists. Today, Seven Pillars announces the publication of our multi-touch ebook, “Journey Toward Wisdom.”
2014Inspired by physicist and environmental leader Dr. Vandana Shiva, this collection of essays draw on the wisdom of ancient and modern traditions to remind readers of the profound sacredness of the seed—how in its purity, it is the source and renewal of all of life.
2014This weekend’s International Symposium for Contemplative Studies offered impressive testimony to the growing impact of contemplative disciplines on numerous areas of contemporary life.Some 1,700 attendees gathered to listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Arianna Huffington, and a number of other prominent speakers address the nature of the mind and the relevance of mindfulness to the problems and prospects of our individual and collective lives.
2014I would like to express my appreciation for three esteemed workers for the Sufi Message who are stepping back from their roles at this time. Nirtana Gloria Deckro has for the last three years served as Executive Director of the Sufi Order International, North America. Nirtana has supported the work of the Order with tremendous energy, inspiration and grace.
During this same period, Noorunisa Smallen has been the Abode Administrator, and has served with great dedication and conscientiousness
For nearly as long, Wahhab Sheets has held the role of Secretary General, organizing the esoteric work of the Order and supporting me as my secretary. Wahhab will be retiring at the year’s end. Wahhab has been a great support to me, and a strong and peaceful presence in the international work of the Order.
I am grateful for the service that these friends and collaborators have rendered to our Order and I wish and pray for them the very best in all that is to come. Meanwhile, our work continues, and I am happy to announce that Alia Wittman has entered the Secretariat as Interim Manager. I hope all members and friends of the Order will join me in expressing deep appreciation to Nirtana, Noorunisa, and Wahhab, and a warm welcome to Alia.
Seven Pillars House of Wisdom announces the worldwide release of an astounding new half-hour audio production, entitled The Seven Pillars Soundscape: A Contemplative Journey Toward Wisdom.
At the tomb of Hazrat Yusha (the prophet Joshua), peace be upon him, with members of the Istanbul circle. Credit: Sophia Aydin.
Greetings of peace to all who read this. It has been an eventful summer, beginning with gatherings in Washington and New York, continuing with retreats in Turkey and Switzerland, and leading on to the current Suluk training in Epernon, which is to be followed by meetings in Katwijk and Paris.
2014Today the world lost a great soul. Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (Meshullam Zalman Hiyya HaKohen ben Hayyah Gittel) passed away peacefully at his home in Boulder, Colorado, aged 89. Reb Zalman was the founder of the Jewish Renewal Movement, the mentor of numerous rabbis, and a guiding light in the lives of innumerable souls.
2014Here at the Abode the snow is slowly but surely melting, exposing a perilous morass of thick brown mud. It’s a messy business, but as we know, before long the spongy ground will send up crocuses, daffodils, bloodroot, fiddleheads, and all manner of sprouts, tendrils, and blooms—and Spring will be here. With Spring’s arrival come new opportunities to live, work, and study at the Abode, or just to visit. Here are four ways to participate:
20141. The Universe is a phenomenon of love, and its ripest fruit is the awakened heart.
2. The heart awakens in the act of rising up toward, attaining, and ultimately rising beyond, the beauty it holds as its highest ideal.
3. The pure essence of every world faith is an ennobling ideal. The sum of these ideals is the spiritual heritage of the contemporary human heart.
2013With a heavy heart, I must announce the passing of Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad Rasheed-ul-Hasan Jeeli-Kaleemi, popularly known as Pir Rasheed.
May God enfold his soul in Love and Light.
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