
Suluk West Nasim Graduates

Nasim Suluk Class

Nasim Suluk Class

We are very pleased to announce the recent graduation of the Nasim Suluk Class, September 14, 2013 at Santa Sabina Retreat Center in San Rafael, California. Thirty-eight Saliks and Salikas graduated after two years of study.

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Caravan of Souls: An Introduction to the Sufi Path of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Caravan of Souls dust jacket.inddCaravan of Souls is a guidebook to the Sufi path of Hazrat Inayat Khan, a spiritual philosophy of Love, Harmony, and Beauty. Within these covers the reader will find the essential teachings and methods of the Order and Movement he founded, as well as an inspiring array of sayings, poems, songs, prayers, stories, and biographical portraits.

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The Forty Rules Cards Now Available

FortyRulesPosterThe recently graduated Nasim class of Suluk Academy has produced sets of cards inscribed with Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Iron, Copper, Silver, and Golden Rules. The forty Rules offer an opportunity to consistently remember one’s ideals and to act upon them in daily life.

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September Message

 9 September 2013

Toward the One

Dear Companions on the Path,

May these lines find you well.

Following a summer of travels, I have just returned with my family to the Abode of the Message. It is good to be back.

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Noor Exposition, Suresnes, France

NoorExpositionAn exposition on the life of Noor Inayat Khan opens this week in Suresnes, France, coinciding with the inauguration of a primary school beside the Seine named for her memory: École Noor Inayat Khan dite Madeleine. Through text and images the exposition introduces Hazrat Inayat Khan and his work in the West and goes on to tells of Noor’s childhood, storytelling and heroic work for the Resistance. The exposition runs from the 10th to the 28th of September.

Noor Play in New York City

Bridge Theatre Group and FringeNYC present

SOUNDWAVES: The Passion of Noor Inayat Khan*

a new play by Joe Martin

*Semi-finalist, ONeill National Playwriting Festival

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Turkey Ramadan 2013

Somewhere between East, West, heaven and earth lies Turkey. Wherever we have turned here—in Istanbul, in Haci Bektash, in Cappadocia, in Konya—we have found the face of the Friend. As we prepare to leave tomorrow, our hearts are full of thanks for the kindness of our gracious hosts: Dr. Mehmet and Zehra Muge Kasim, Mehmet Soran, Fazal Mai, Hadiye, Nurunnahar, Gozem, Aysen, and Sheikh Celaleddin and Maylee Loras.

The Birthday Celebration of Hazrat Sufi Inayat Khan

You are Cordially Invited to
The Birthday Celebration of Hazrat Sufi Inayat Khan
At Dargah Sharif Hazrat Sufi Inayat Khan
New Delhi, India

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Creating the Person: Revised Edition Now in Print


Now in Print from Omega Publications

The newly revised  gender inclusive version of
Creating the Person; A Practical Guide to the Development of Self

by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Edited by Kore Salvato
Foreword by Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

Paper edition $16.95
152 pages

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Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth

spiritualecologySpiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth

A Collection of Essays Edited by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


Showing the deep connection between our present ecological crisis and our lack of awareness of the sacred nature of creation, this series of essays from spiritual and environmental leaders around the world shows how humanity can transform its relationship with the Earth.

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Lindisfarne Recordings Now Available

Lindisfarne ChapelRecordings from many years of Lindisfarne Association gatherings are now publicly available from the Schumacher Center for a New Economics.

Includes talks by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Hazel Henderson, William Irwin Thompson, David Spangler, Wendell Berry, Eileen Cady, and many others.

Remembering My Father

Pir Vilayat photoYesterday was the Urs (anniversary of a Sufi master’s passing), and tomorrow is the birthday, of my father, Pir Vilayat Inayat-Khan (1916-2004). Among the many things for which he is remembered is his passionate love of sacred music.

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