2019The Zephyr October 2019

Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you well. Here at the Astana in Richmond it has been an eventful month.
Over the last weekend of September we celebrated the 812th birthday of Hazrat Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi (God bless and keep him). The esteemed teachers Shaykha Hayat Nur Artiran, Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi, Cheikh Sufi, and Shaykh Abdu-Rasheed al-Mukashfi honored us with their presence. The music of Amir Koushkani and Latif Bolat enthralled us. It was a banquet in the tavern amongst the ruins.
Hazrat Inayat Khan wrote, “Rumi’s work is so great that if one has read and understood it one has learnt every philosophy there is.” God willing, we will continue our exploration of Rumi’s vast legacy year by year. The Mawlavi silsila of the Inayati Order may be found here, and photos of the birthday festival may be found here.
Last week the Healing Activity was here for five days of study, practice, and visioning. The wonderful vice presidents Devi Tide and Sarida Brown convened the Shafayat Council over the course of three days, followed by a healing retreat over the weekend. Inayati Healing Conductors from all over the world joined us by video link. As heavy rain fell outside, another kind of downpour quickened our spirits as we attuned to the all-pervading life in space.
Yesterday we completed our four-week autumn series on Volume Three of the Centennial Edition of the Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. God willing, in the spring we will take up the study of Volume Four, the very important compilation Health, Mental Purification, and The Mind World.
Alas, our Order has lost a revered worker for the cause. Beloved Noor Hervot has passed into the invisible world. Noor lead the Esoteric School and Healing in France for many long years and was an inspiration in innumerable lives. As she travels onward, she leaves behind a legacy of kindness, insight and light. O Thou, the Cause and Effect of the whole Universe … let her thirsting eyes behold the glorious vision of Thy Sunshine.
Yours ever,
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Vadan Commentary
Music of the Spheres: Gamaka Commentaries, Vadan
“Nothing new I say when I speak, I only renew the memory of things which may not be forgotten.”
Imagine falling asleep and waking up devoid of memory. This is a description of the human condition.
We are travelers from beyond time and space. We are extraterrestrials—in fact, extracelestials. Continued
The Inayati Order Fall Calendar 2019
Pir Zia Seminar in Paris
Paris, France
22-24 November 2019
Announcing Two New Programs for 2020
The Inayatiyya: An Alchemical Retreat for Leaders of the Six Activities
Mustang Island, Texas
13-19 February 2020
Season of the Rose 2020 Details forthcoming!
Abode of the Message, New Lebanon, New York
26 June – 01 July 2020
For a worldwide calendar featuring many Inayati Order teachers and programs, please visit our Inayati Worldwide Programs Calendar.