2022The Zephyr June 2021

1 June 2021
Dear Companions on the Path,
I am grateful for your kind wishes on the occasion of my birthday. I spent the day exploring the seven classical planets with a group of Saliks and Salikas: a perfect way to mark the fifty circles I have been blessed to make around the Sun. Thanks to your prayers, I feel as youthful as ever.
My family is well, thanks and praise to the Most High. Pirani Sartaj is happily growing herbs and vegetables in the garden. Rasulan has been living in New York City, teaching at a charter school in the Bronx. Teaching a mixed online and in-person class in the midst of the pandemic has not been easy, but she has found her stride. Ravanbakhsh has just finished his first year of college, winning a religion scholarship in the process. He has also found the winner of his heart, a fellow student, and the two have gotten married. The gentle young lady’s Sufi name is Soraya, and her family originates in the Andes. We celebrate this blessed expansion of our family and ardently wish Ravanbakhsh and Soraya great happiness together in their life’s journey.
I hope you and your dear ones are well and flourishing in every way with the blessings of the One. God willing, we will have the chance to meet in person before long.
Yours ever,
Pir Zia
Pir Zia’s 50th Birthday was on Saturday, May 22, 2021, during The Divine Art: The Alchemy of Human Transformation. While Pir Zia requests no gifts, if you feel called to do something to honor the special occasion, donations in support of Fazal Manzil’s 100th Anniversary are welcome. fazalmanzil.org
The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information on our activities, please visit inayatiyya.org