2021The Zephyr January 2021

14 December 2020
20 January 2021
Dear Companions,
As travelers on the Sufi path, many affinities unite us. We are stirred by the spiraling melodies of spirit-rousing music. We find renewal in daily plunges into silence. We bow to the current of luminous guidance that moves through all of the world’s great wisdom traditions. But perhaps most fundamentally, we share an intuition of interconnectedness: the discernment that we, and all beings, are intimately interrelated in a mysterious oneness that is beyond all fathoming and yet evidenced at every level of creation.
From this perception comes a desire to be of service, in whatever little way one can, to the life of the whole. And in this magical and broken world in which we find ourselves, there is at every turn an opportunity to shake ourselves awake, to bear witness to all that is visibly and invisibly present, and to give our hands over to the work entrusted to us by our sacred ancestors, the friends of God.
As I write these lines, you are in my thoughts. I am mindful of the ways in which we are joined in inner space even while apart in physical space. I am attentive to the friendship that intertwines our lives, and the common allegiance that mingles our spirits. May this companionship grow, and flow, and know the depths and heights of the Great Breath in which we travel together.
Yours ever,
Pir Zia
Nature Meditations: “Becoming Animal”
w/ Pir Zia Welcoming Special Guest David Abram
Sunday, January 24, 2021 @ 3:00 PM EST & 9:00 PM CET
Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid’s 94th Urs: Minq?r-i M?s?q?r
Friday, February 5th, 2021 @ 1:30 PM EST & 7:30 PM CET
Social Gathekas: A Conversation on Social Harmony & Service
w/ Saki Lee, Shahabuddin Less & Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Saturday, February 6, 2021 @ 1:30 PM EST & 7:30 PM CET
Race, Justice, Equity and Love Update
Our beloved Murshid was well aware of the divisions caused by the perception and history of race. In the Objects of the Sufi Message, he included the goals of rooting out hatred caused by differences and distinctions, and meeting beyond the narrow national and racial boundaries. Read more…
Please see our full Inayatiyya Digital Programs Calendar for more gatherings,
checking timeanddate.com for times in your region.
The Zephyr is a monthly newsletter of Inayatiyya, an interfaith mystical fellowship with branches worldwide. For more information on our activities, please visit inayatiyya.org.