2013In February my family and I traveled to Washington D.C., where we visited the local Sufi circle, the Baraka Center, and took part in a major rally for environmental awareness and action. The rally, called Forward on Climate, was the largest climate march in U.S. history. Nearly 50,000 people assembled at the National Mall and marched to the White House, calling for meaningful political action on climate change. A movement is afoot, and Earth’s future hangs in the balance. For more on how to get involved, see Bill McKibben’s website 350.org.
2013In the century since Hazrat Inayat Khan brought the Sufi Message to the West, a number of lineages have developed and formed a variety of organizations.
Since the 1990s many of these groups have been coming together on an annual basis to overcome mutual misunderstandings, deepen friendships, and delve together into our common spiritual heritage. This gathering is known as the Retreat of the Federation of the Sufi Message.
2013Who would have thought that a peasant girl would lead the army of France in a heroic struggle and establish the rightful king on the throne? And yet Joan of Arc did just this. Six hundred years later, who would have thought that a demure young harpist and author of children’s stories would become the last link between the Allies and the Resistance in Nazi occupied Paris? And yet this is just what Noor-un-nisa Inayat Khan did. Like St. Joan, Noor-un-nisa paid the ultimate price and died a martyr’s death.
2013Excerpted from pamphlets of the Sufi Order published in London in the late 1910s.
THE CENTRAL IDEA of Sufism is believed to have existed from the beginning of creation. Traces of Sufism are to be found in all periods of history, but mostly during the age of Hebrew prophets and ecstatics, who themselves were Sufis.
2013Somehow—by a Power of surpassing might—we have been summoned from nonexistence into being, thrust into bodies of fine-woven stardust, and set loose on the face of a world of sky, ocean, and earth. What are we to make of this chance?
2013In this rare video recording Hazrat Inayat Khan is seen walking in the garden in Suresnes, France and blessing his son Pirzade Vilayat in a ceremony on September 13th, 1926.
2013In this audio recording Pir Vilayat is heard reciting the zikr: la ilaha illa’Llah Hu (there is no god but God).
2013In this rare audio recording Hazrat Inayat Khan is heard reciting the takbir al-‘id: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illa’Llah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa li’Llahi’l-hamd (God is greater, God is greater, there is no god but God, God is greater, and all praise is to God).
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2013Toward the One, the Only Being…
Whoever may read these words—a warm welcome to you!
Thanks to the kindness of good friends, this site has been created to enable me to post information, photos, news, writings, and my calendar of events.
I have the good fortune to be connected with friends and fellow travelers all across the world, and I hope that this site will help us stay in close touch. I hope that it will also prove a useful source of information for inquirers who seek to know more about the Sufi Order International and its activities.
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